I find it difficult to fully appreciate the irony of naming an orca "Free Willie". What a terrible movie. Future generations will trace the decline of western civilization to it's release. It should come as no surprise that only a truly deranged or idiotic individual would name his ship such.
However, it takes a truly special mind to blindly fly that same orca through lowsec. Looking back its hard for me to say whether our victim was simply mind-bending-ly daft or harbored more bizarre motivations. I believe its safe to say we did as he asked and freed willie from its mortal coil.
Glory goes to Egret for the smack down.
15 Years 10 Posts
14 hours ago
Seeing things like this just give me a warm fuzzy feeling all over (and it would appear we have similar hobbies: http://podlogs.com/findersandkeepers/2009/12/12/death-of-an-orca/). I approve sir, well done.
-Aiden Mourn